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22) Yalçin, K. ve H Degertekin , “A 12-Month course of combination therapy with  interferon-alpha and ribavirin in chronic  hepatitis due to coinfection with  hepatitis B and C viruses, “Clin Drug Invest, 22, 797-798, 2002.


23) Yalçin, K., H.Degertekin, F. Yildiz, Z. Akkuş, “A 12-Month course of  combination therapy with interferon-alfa and lamivudine in patients with chronic hepatitis Delta virus: A single-center, prospective, open label,uncontrolled study, “Curr. Ther. Res, 63, 736-747, 2002.


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25) Yalcin, K., H. Degertekin, F. Yildiz ve Y. Celik, ‘‘Twelve month courses of interferon alpha-2b and lamivudine in combination compared to interferon alpha-2b monotherapy in patients with untreated HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B,’’ Clin Infect Dis, 36, 1516-22, 2003.

26) Yalcin, K., R. Danis, H. Degertekin, M.N. Alp, S. Tekes ve T. Budak, ‘‘The lack of effect of therapeutic vaccination with a preS2/S HBV vaccine in the immune tolerant phase of chronic HBV infection,’’ J Clin Gastroenterol, 37, 330-5, 2003.

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28) Yalcin, K., H. Degertekin, C. Yurdaydin, M. Bozdayi ve H. Bozkaya, ‘‘The role of HBeAg seroconversion in acute exacerbation of liver disease with termination of hepatitis B and D virus infection in a chronic hepatitis D patient during alpha-interferon therapy,’’ Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 15, 820-3 (2003).

29) Yalçın, K., H. Değertekin, F. Yıldız ve N. Kılınç, ‘‘A severe hepatitis flare in an HBV-HCV coinfected patient during combination therapy with α–interferon and ribavirin,’’ J Gastroenterol, 38, 796-800 (2003).

30)  Yalcin, K., H. Degretekin ve M. Bozdayi, ‘‘A late failure of combined recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and lamivudine in treatment of a patient with chronic hepatitis B,’’ South Med J, (2003). (Yayın için kabul edilmiş)


31) Yalcin, K., H. Degertekin, I.H. Bahcecioglu, A. Demir, M. Aladag, B. Yildirim, S. Horasanli, S. Ciftci ve S. Badur, ‘‘Hepatitis B virus genotype D prevails in patients with persistently elevated or normal ALT lvels in Turkey,’’ Infection, (2003). (Yayın için kabul edilmiş)

32) Yalcin, K., A. Bilici, O. Ayyildiz, H. Degertekin ve, E. Muftuoglu, ‘’Imaging of subcapsular liver hematoma and hepatic infarction in pregnancy complicated by the HELLP syndrome: a case report,’’ Eur J Radiol, (2003). (Yayın için kabul edilmiş)

33) Yalçın, K, Değertekin H, Yıldız F , Kılınç N.  A severe hepatitis flare in an HBV-HCV coinfected patient during combination therapy with α–interferon and ribavirin.  J Gastroenterol, 2003; 38: 796-800

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35) Yalcin, K,Degertekin H, Bahcecioglu IH, Demir A, Aladag M, Yildirim B, Horasanli S, Ciftci S , Badur S. Hepatitis B virus genotype D prevails in patients with persistently elevated or normal ALT levels in Turkey. Infection, 2004; 32: 24-29 

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37) Kılınç N, Yalcin K, Degertekin H, Özaydın M. Clear cell carsinoma of the liver: A case report, Turk J Gastroenterol, 2003; 14: 211-214

38) Yalcin K, Degertekin H,  Alp MN, Tekes S, Satıcı O, Budak T. Determination of serum hepatitis B virus DNA in chronic HbsAg carriers. Turk J Gastroenterol, 2003; 14: 157-163

39) Yalcin K, Degertekin H, Kökoglu ÖF,Ayaz C. A three-month course of lamivudine therapy in HbeAg-positive hepatitis B patients with normal aminotransferase levels. Turk J Gastroenterol, 2004; 15: 21-26

40) Soyoral Y, Süner A, Kıdır V, Arıtürk Z, Balakan O, Degertekin H. The effects of viral cirrhosis on cardiac ventricular function. Eur J Gen Med 2004; 1 (2):15-18

41) Erkan G, Sayın I,  Değertekin H et.all. The relationship between insulin resistance, metabolic syndrom and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in non- obes, non-diabetic Turkish individuals. Turk J Gastroenterol. Suppl. 1:63-68, 2014

42) Akpınar EE, Gülhan M, Değertekin H, Ataoğlu Ö.  Thorax as an exstraintestinal target for inflammatory bowel dTuberk Toraks. 59(3): 312-5, 2011

43) Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydın C, Degertekin H. et all. Peginterferon plus adefovir versus either drug alone for hepatitis delta. N Engl J Med 364(4)322-31,2011

44) Zachou K, Yurdaydın C, Degertekin H. Et all. Quantitative HBsAg and HDV-RNA levels in chronic delta hepatitis. Liver Int., 30(3): 430-7, 2010

45) Degertekin H, Yalçın K, Yakut M, Yurdaydın C. Seropositivity for delte hepatitis in patients with chronic hepatitis B and liver crrhosis in Turkey: a meta-analysis. Liver Int. 28(4):494-8, 2008

46) Degertekin H, Yalçın K, Yakut M. The prevalence of hepatitis delta virus infectionin acute and chronic liver disease in Turkey:an analysis of clinical studies. Turk J Gastroenterol. 17(1):25-34,2006

47) Yalçın K, Degertekin H, Kokoglu OF, Ayaz C.A three-month coruce of lamivudine therapy in HBeAg positivehepatitis B patients with normal aminotransferase levels.Turk J Gastroenterol. Mar; 15(1): 14-20

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